Monday, January 12, 2009

Transplant Support Resources

When you first heard that you or a loved one needed a transplant, what was your reaction? Many feel scared, maybe even frustrated. Fortunately, talking to others who have had the same emotions and felt the same pain can help alleviate some of those worries.

While your transplant coordinator may know of support groups you can attend, there are also many discussion options through the Internet.

NFT wants to help transplant patients find an online support system. Many of our patients have found the following sites useful as they face the roller coaster of emotions related to transplantation. Find NFT and transplant candidates and recipients on the following sites:

Transplant Cafe

Other discussion sites include:

Transplant Groups
Transplant Discussion

It can be very helpful to reach out and ask for advice from someone who has been there. Don't be afraid to find friends who can support you throughout this sometimes overwhelming process.

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