Wednesday, January 21, 2009

NFT Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about the services the National Foundation for Transplants (NFT) can offer to transplant candidates and recipients:

Will NFT disqualify a patient if he or she has insurance or a high income level? No! NFT never turns anyone away based on insurance coverage or income level. Even patients with good insurance or an upper-level income may not be prepared to face the soaring costs associated with transplantation. NFT assists transplant patients based on their individual needs, regardless of income.

Will NFT assist with costs before a patient receives a transplant? Yes! Once a patient begins fundraising with NFT, we can assist both pre and post-transplant, with hospital bills and deposits; doctors' appointments; pharmacy needs; caregiver expenses; insurance premiums; travel, food and lodging; co-pays; and more.

Can NFT help a patient find volunteers in his or her own community, even if the patient feels he or she doesn't know enough people? Yes! NFT can guide patients and committees on how to find additional volunteer resources for a patient campaign, such as religious organizations, civic groups, community service organizations, fraternities and sororities, and more!

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