Thursday, September 10, 2009

September Patient of the Month: Chad Freckleton

NFT patient Chad Freckleton began experience health problems not long after he and his wife, Marcie, graduated from college. In July 2005, Chad was diagnosed with cryptogenic cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors don’t know what caused the disease. The same month Chad was diagnosed, he and his wife learned they were expecting their first child.

Chad’s health began to decline after his diagnosis as he dealt with many side effects. He underwent several endoscopies to help prevent esophageal bleeding, endured internal itching because of the bilirubin in his blood and no longer had enough energy to participate in his normal activities. Doctors said a liver transplant was his only hope for a second chance at life. Thankfully, Chad received his lifesaving transplant June 30, 2009 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Chad looks forward to recovering from his transplant and having the energy to enjoy time with his friends and family. He and his wife would like nothing more than to grow old together and watch their young daughter grow up.

Can you help Chad and his family with their soaring medical expenses? If you would like to make a donation to NFT in honor of Chad, click here.

1 comment:

The Ellis Family said...

I have known Chad since kindergarten and Marcie since Jr High. I adore them and wish the best for their cute little family. I am so happy to hear he has been blessed with this transplant and his family can enjoy him for many more years.