Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Patient of the Month: Sofia Lumi Bentos

Even though she's still a toddler, Sofia has faced more obstacles than most people can imagine. When she was only 2 months old, she was diagnosed with biliary atresia. Since then she has battled several illness, including tuberculosis. Now, she relies on 10 medications and two constant IVs to keep her liver functioning. Doctors say a liver transplant is her only hope for a second chance at life, and she was added to the transplant list in August 2010.

Sofia is a bright, creative and fun little girl. She speaks three languages: English, Spanish and Finnish and enjoys playing the piano, singing, dancing, reading and going on walks.

Unfortunately, her condition and frequent hospital visits do not allow her to enjoy many of her favorite activities.

To learn more about Sofia or to make a donation in her honor, visit her web bio on the NFT site.

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