Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Can NFT Help in the Transplant Fundraising Process?

Many don't know where to turn when they hear the astronomical costs for transplant surgery. At NFT, we help patients work with a group of volunteers to raise funds for their transplant-related expenses. Below are a few frequently asked questions that we hope to answer for those seeking fundraising experience.

1. What expenses will NFT cover?

NFT can help with transplant costs; hospital bills and deposits; doctors' appointments; pharmacy needs; caregiver expenses; insurance premiums; temporary mortgage assistance; travel, food and lodging expenses; co-pays; and more.

2. What if I don't know enough people to volunteer?

NFT can help find additional volunteer resources in your community, such as religious organizations, civic groups, community service organizations, fraternities and sororities.

3. When is the best time to fundraise?

Before your transplant it's easier to communicate the need, gather momentum and maintain enthusiasm among volunteers and donors. However, many campaigns continue to fundraise post-transplant, and others don't even begin until after transplant.

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