If you have a Facebook account, just follow this link, and click the photo of Nate and his family to cast your vote for NFT!

Raising Hope, Changing Lives
The holiday season is here , and we hope you will consider supporting the National Foundation for Transplants as you are shopping for your loved ones. By using GoodSearch and GoodShop, you can raise funds for NFT and help a transplant patient receive the greatest gift of all—a second chance at life.
When shopping through GoodShop, stores such as eBay, Amazon, Crate & Barrel, Nike, Target, Kohl's and many more donate a percentage of their profits to the charity of your choice! Some stores donate as much as 30% of the sale price. Simply visit GoodShop.com, enter National Foundation for Transplants as your designated charity, and start shopping. It’s that easy!
Not sure what you want to get for that one person who is always so tough to shop for? Try searching the Internet using GoodSearch.com, a Yahoo! powered search engine, while supporting NFT. Designate NFT as the charity you support, and for every search through GoodSearch, a donation will be made to your cause.
It’s so simple to raise funds for NFT to help patients receive lifesaving transplants. With a quick search, you are offering someone a hope for a new life. Tell your family and friends so they can shop from home and support NFT with the click of a mouse!
If you would like to make a donation in honor of one of these patients, or any NFT patient, click here to make a gift.