June Simpson, a devoted wife, mother and grandmother, began experiencing severe asthma attacks 15 years ago. She was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis in 2006. Today, she has a constant dependency on an oxygen tank. Doctors say her only hope for a second chance at life is a double lung transplant.
For most people, just hearing they need a transplant to survive is scary enough. But for June, that isn’t even the worst part. She must raise $15,000 for a deposit before she can even be added to the transplant waiting list. For a patient like June, whose health is quickly going downhill, time is critical. If she doesn’t have the deposit by May, she will never be listed. Now more than ever, June needs your help.
Please help June raise the required $15,000 so she can be placed on the transplant waiting list.
The National Foundation for Transplants (NFT) is working with volunteers and supporters to help relieve the growing burden of expenses for June and her family. Click here to make a donation in honor of June. Your gift—of $25, $50, $100 or more—will enable NFT to provide June with the financial support she desperately needs.