Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Patient of the Month: Matthew Clark

While attending a college football game with some friends in the fall of 2008, Matthew Clark began experiencing breathing problems. A week later tests revealed a virus had attacked his heart, and he was suffering from congestive heart failure.

Doctors told Matthew a heart transplant is his only hope for a second chance at life. This father of four boys loves spending time with his children, whether he is coaching T-ball or playing video games. His faith, along with his strong desire to see his boys grow up, keeps him positive and focused on each new day.

A heart transplant costs approximately $750,000. And that's only the beginning. Even with health coverage, Matthew faces significant medical expenses related to his transplant. For the rest of his life, he will need follow-up care and daily anti-rejection medications.

Can you help Matthew and his family with his soaring medical expenses? To make a donation to NFT to assist Matthew with his transplant-related expenses, please visit his Web page on the NFT site.

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