Friday, October 17, 2008

How Many People Need a Transplant?

According to UNOS, 100,299 patients are currently awaiting a transplant. More than 70% of those patients need kidney transplants, and over 15% need a liver transplant in hopes of regaining a normal, healthy life.

So far, more than 16,000 U.S. patients have received transplants in 2008. If more people were willing to donate, even more patients could have the transplant surgeries they need. Across the U.S., the number of organ donors has nearly doubled since 1988. If that trend continues, more and more transplant patients will be given a second chance at life.

How can you donate the gift of life?
1. Share your life by deciding to become a donor. Click here and find out how to register to become a donor in your state.
2. Share your decision by talking to your family about your commitment.

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